First Presbyterian and COVID-19

Visiting First Presbyterian Church

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has affected programming for First Presbyterian Church. The church remains open, but is locked to ensure the health of church staff and visitors. You can always call the office (641-236-6059) or email for information or pastoral needs.

Benchmarks for reopening First Presbyterian Church

Please contact email or call the church office at 641-236-6059 for information about the benchmarks.

Worship at First Presbyterian Church

Sunday Worship 

The sanctuary is open to everyone on Sundays, though it is still an option to join worship via  zoom. If you choose to come to the sanctuary, we no longer requiring masks for everyone,  but do ask you to be mindful about social distance when you choose where to sit.

Worship via Zoom

To register for a Zoom Sunday worship service, email or call the church office at 641-236-6059.

Please contact the church office (641-236-6059 or if you are having diffculty attending church.