What is worship like at First Presbyterian church?
We gather for worship Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. We have a fellowship time following worship (church coffee!).
One way to describe worshiping at First Presbyterian Church is that it’s a traditional service with progressive theology.
If you are coming for the first time, we have created a brochure to give you a sense of what you can expect, how and why we do things, and hopefully make it feel easier to show up for the first time!
If you are unable to come to the church on Sunday morning, you can watch worship at 10:30 on Sunday mornings live on YouTube. If you are interested in this, please contact the church office.
A traditional service with progressive theology? What does that mean?
Liturgy, language, music, and theology at First Presbyterian Church are inclusive and reflective of God's expansive love and grace.
We still use an organ and piano, though you may also hear drums. We use hymnals and choirs, not screens and amplifiers. Our printed bulletin includes the call to worship, prayers of confession and thanksgiving, an assurance of pardon, doxology, and passing of the peace.
For our church, progressive theology means applying God’s Word to the pressing social issues of our time. It means studying and discussing issues affecting our community, our country, and our world. It means figuring out how to pitch our tent where God dwells, Christ calls, and the Spirit leads.
Our sermons are biblically inspired and relevant to today's challenges, issues and realities. We use the revised common lectionary, which are scripture passages chosen for each Sunday of the year based on liturgical cycles. The lectionary is commonly used by most of the Christian Protestant churches today.
Are children welcome to worship?
Goodness, yes!
Children are welcome in worship. On the third Sunday we have a time during the service for children to come forward and participate in an age-appropriate message. Nursery care for infants through five year olds from 10:15 until worship concludes.
What should I wear to worship?
People attending worship at First Presbyterian Church tend to dress for comfort and the occasion. On any given Sunday you’ll find people in blouses and blazers, but you’ll also find people in jeans and flannel.
Some people choose to dress for special days on the church calendar. On Pentecost Sunday, many will wear red. On the church work day, many wear their grubbies.
We hope you’ll join us for worship. We prefer that you wear clothes when you do. :)
Who leads worship?
Worship is led by Pastor Kirsten, Mark (music director), the choir, and a rotating liturgist. We have communion on the first Sunday of every month. Our table is open to everyone, as Christ's love is available to all!