First Presbyterian Church mission statement
We come together in community to praise and glorify our Creator God. This community seeks to pitch its tent where God is dwelling and where Christ is acting – i.e., in the world around us, wherever people need justice, love, the basic goods of life and faith, and release from violence and oppression.
We believe that God calls us to a two-fold mission. First, we seek joyfully to embrace the diversity of God’s creatures, inclusively to welcome all people into one fellowship as full partners in our ministry, and to be a family for all those in our fellowship. We seek to offer mutual support for all members of that fellowship in times of joy and trouble. Second, sustained by this mutual support, we seek lovingly to be the body of Christ for a suffering world, and to provide generous assistance to those beyond our fellowship seeking to sustain themselves and improve the lives of their families.
We seek faithfully to apply God’s Word to the pressing social issues of our time; intelligently to study and discuss issues affecting our community, country, and the world; and enthusiastically to develop and implement plans that address those issues.
adopted 2005